
The Cost of Employee Turnover Are Skyrocketing

Not only do you incur the clear costs of recruiting, onboarding and development, the costs to the organization are also extremely high. These costs include loss of productivity, cultural changes, customer unsteadiness, and slower problem solving.


Employee Turnover Is Generally Directly Related to Job Satisfaction

"Job Satisfaction" includes not just the traditional specifics of the position requirements but also company culture, team interaction, opportunities for promotion and growth, availability of resources, and -- perhaps most importantly -- effective internal communication.

Without the ability to communicated effectively within the organization and within teams, turnover is likely to be higher than necessary, causing the organization to endure unnecessary costs, pressures, and roadblocks.

Our Improving Retention program addresses all these (and many more) components.

Improving Retention pairs well with Better Teams and Mastering Rejection.

Turnover Costs Are Predicted to Continue to Rise

With resignations continuing turnover costs are likely to continue to rise in the next 18 months.

Retention is the Key to Productivity

Retaining employees and creating an environment in which they thrive is the key to productivity in the next few years.

Better Hiring


Improving Retention Includes:

  • Individual and team analysis of behavioral and communication styles
  • Creating language for identifying and solving conflict
  • Building communication style awareness
  • Understanding implications of missing behavioral styles
  • Creating healthy team dynamics
  • Helping teams through crisis and change