Hiring for Success

Finding the right candidate

Our Greatest Assets | Hiring for Success

We’ve all heard the saying “our people are our greatest assets.” Perhaps then, hiring the right people is the single greatest opportunity in building an organization of “great assets.”

There are lots of tools available for identifying the “right” people. Recruiters, resume screening applications, STAR interviews—all can be helpful. But ultimately, the decision comes down to the people conducting the interviews. And too often interviews are unreliable predicters of success—and even worse indicators of how to manage new hires to help them perform at their best.

We’ve all heard the saying “our people are our greatest assets.” Perhaps then, hiring the right people is the single greatest opportunity in building an organization of “great assets.”

Assessments can help in a variety of ways.

  1. Matching to the Needs of the Role. Understanding the criteria of the role and then matching the skills and behaviors of candidates can help ensure employers get the “right person in the right seat.”
  2. Identifying Team Behavior. Building strong teams is a result not only of having capable individuals but also of creating an environment where each team member thrives. Using DiSC and other assessments to gain insights into a candidate’s communication abilities and styles and their behavior in a team situation can help hiring managers select the best candidate.
  3. Fostering the Team. Once the candidate has been chosen, the assessment can guide team leaders by suggesting appropriate approaches to integrating the new team member and fostering an environment to get the best from all involved.